
Zamara Foundation Statement of Solidarity with Africa and Global Movements for Justice and Democracy

Zamara Foundation

Across the globe, we are witnessing a powerful surge of people rising up with an insatiable thirst for democracy and justice. From the streets of Uganda, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Sudan to the alleys of Bangladesh, from the voices echoing in Iran to the demonstrations in Hong Kong, a wave of resistance is sweeping through nations, driven by a collective desire for freedom, dignity, and a better future. As a feminist organization deeply committed to the principles of equality, justice, and human rights, Zamara Foundation stands in unwavering solidarity with all those courageously demanding change.

At the heart of these movements are women especially young women who are fearless, determined, and resolute in their pursuit of justice. From the young women leading chants in the streets to those organizing from behind the scenes, women are not just participants but key architects of these revolutions. In places like Iran, where women have led the charge against oppressive regimes, their bravery has sparked a global outcry and a renewed focus on the importance of women’s rights as human rights.

We recognize that these struggles are deeply intertwined with feminist principles. The fight for democracy is inherently a fight for gender equality. In many parts of the world, the suppression of democratic freedoms is accompanied by the suppression of women’s rights. Feminism teaches us that true liberation cannot be achieved if half of the population is silenced or oppressed. Thus, supporting these movements is not just a political act; it is a feminist imperative.

We extend our deepest solidarity to those who have been detained, tortured, or harassed for daring to speak truth to power. Your courage is a beacon of hope and a reminder that the struggle for justice often comes at a heavy price. We honor the memories of those who have lost their lives in this fight, knowing that their sacrifices will not be in vain. Their legacy lives on in every woman who continues to resist, in every voice that refuses to be silenced, and in every step taken towards a more just and equitable world.

At Zamara Foundation, we believe in the power of collective action, in the strength of unity, and in the necessity of intersectional solidarity. We are committed to amplifying the voices of women and marginalized communities within these movements, ensuring that their stories are heard, their contributions recognized, and their demands met. We call on global leaders, activists, and allies to join us in supporting these movements, not just in words but through tangible actions that uplift and empower those on the frontlines.

In this moment of global upheaval, let us remember that the fight for democracy is far from over. It is a continuous struggle that requires our unrelenting commitment to justice, equality, and human dignity. As we stand with the women in all their diversities as revolutionaries and all those fighting for a better world, we reaffirm our pledge to continue advocating for a future where every person can live free from oppression, with their rights and dignity fully respected.

Download full statement HERE